Hanyi Wang
Aug 14, 2018
Art Works · 工
Only two months after the “African Pygmy-kingfisher“, I drew another bird before my new semester started.
The picture is about a Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus). Again, I found a nice-looking photo on the internet, and then copied it in the style of pencil sketch.
I need to admit that I edited the picture on my phone after taking this picture, which made my work looks better. Therefore, I actually forgot about what my work really looked like long time ago (4 years have passed). But there's no denying that I made some progress in drawing birds and choosing the right tools. The eye and the beak on the picture are vivid.
Because I've never learned how to draw sketches in art courses, the lines was kind of mess (this is still a problem of my works today) and drawing strategy wasn't the best.
I can see the sign on the left corner of the picture: Wendy Aves 2014.8.22.
There was a time I use "Wendy Aves" as my pseudonym. It's really tiring to come up with a satisfying pseudonym, just like giving a name to pets, notebooks, websites... To me, it's essential to make the names meaningful and proper. However, the reality is that the carelessly and randomly given names flies everywhere in my life.
So, I do not use a pseudonym today.